One of the biggest classes of the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS) graduated Friday night at the Church of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville.
Thirty-three seniors, all wearing blue ribbons representing their classmate – AlexanderJohnson– who graduated posthumously, celebrated their academic accomplishments and resilience to the delight of a crowd of more than 400.
“African Americans are a resilient group of people,” said Dr. Danice Brown, commencement speaker and associate professor in the SIUE Department of Psychology. “When I think of all the things we have gone through, we wouldn’t have been able to do it without our village.”
The reality of community was evident at the CHS graduation. The crowd stood and applauded as Johnson’s mother, Owida Johnson of Cahokia accepted his diploma. Johnson was a CHS sophomore when he died in a house fire Feb. 9, 2013.
“We are family, right? So it is fitting that we acknowledge Alex Johnson,” said Gina Washington, CHS director, who presented Owida with a diploma award. “Every Charter High School graduate and faculty member is wearing a blue ribbon because it was Alex’s favorite color.”
The crowd also came to their feet and roared when the valedictorian, Zaria Wicks, got out of her wheelchair and crossed the stage on a walker to receive her diploma. A drunk driver struck the car Wicks and family members were in on February 7. Wicks broke both legs and her right arm. Her legs are still weak, and her arm is in a brace.
“I will start classes online until I mend and can go to Clark Atlanta University,” Wicks said prior to the ceremony. “I plan to major in special education and minor in Spanish. I want to teach young children with disabilities.”
“This class is full of energy, potential and grit,” said Dr. Vicki Groves-Scott, assistant dean in the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior. Groves-Scott is the grant writer and director of the Grit after-school program at CHS. Grit has been defined as “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” The program is designed to help hone and improve students’ grit skills and channel those skills towards academic achievement.
Of those graduating, Washington went on to add, 90 percent have plans for higher education or the military. The scholarship amount that the 2015 CHS graduating class has accumulated equals $832,000.
This year was the first time the CHS awarded a scholarship in the name of Willis Young, CHS assistant director. The fund was established to honor Young’s 16 years of service to the school. Receiving $500 each were salutatorian Stephanie Anderson and Rickey Burris. Anderson plans to attend McKendree College in Lebanon, and Burris is going to SIUE.
“It is an honor and blessing to have this scholarship in my name,” said Young. “I love the Charter High School. I can’t think of a better place to get up and go to work every morning.”
Brown closed out the remarks by giving the graduates three items of advice she learned from the supporters in her life:
- From her mother and grandmother: “Don’t give anyone the right to define you. When you do, you give them the power.”
- From her mentors: “Be a critical thinker. Never just accept the answer someone offers. Always ask questions.”
- From her father and grandfather: “Never allow the fear of failure to keep you from going for what you want. Learn from your failures. That loss doesn’t have to define you. Remain powerful!”
School of Education, Health and Human Behavior: The SIUESchoolofEducation,Healthand HumanBehavior prepares students in a wide range of fields including community health education, exercise science, instructional technology, psychology, speech-language pathology and audiology, administration and teaching. Faculty members engage in leading-edge research, which enhances teaching and enriches the educational experience. The School supports the community through on-campus clinics, outreach to children and families, and a focused commitment to enhancing individual lives across the region.
Dr. Danice Brown, commencement speaker and associate professor in the SIUE Department of Psychology is shown on right with Gina Washington, SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School director.
Zaria Wicks, valedictorian of the 2015 CHS graduating class, gives remarks.
CHS Assistant Director Willis Young, left, congratulates Rickey Burris, one of two Willis Young Scholarship winners.
Gina Washington participates in the Hope Rope presentation with CHS graduates.
One CHS graduates leaps for joy when his name is called.
CHS graduates stride out of the Church of Our Lady of the Snows.