Lisa Lubsch, clinical associate professor in the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy, has been appointed president-elect of the Pediatric Pharmacy Advocacy Group (PPAG).
PPAG’s membership spans 50 states and 20 foreign countries, and is the primary resource for pediatric medication therapy in children. PPAG develops educational programs for practitioners and families to influence the safe and effective use of medications in children.
"I'm excited and honored," Lubsch said. "This is an incredibly passionate group of major players in pediatric pharmacy. To be among them in this capacity is truly humbling."
Lubsch has been an active PPAG member for more than 10 years serving on the advocacy and education committees and board of directors. She will now hold the position of president-elect until being appointed president in spring 2016.
Of her work with the organization, she is most proud of establishing the PPAG-University, which houses the Pediatric PharmPrep Advanced Guide, an online resource for Board Certification in Pediatric Pharmacy.
"I love pediatric pharmacy," Lubsch said. "Not a week goes by where I don’t feel I have made a difference in a child’s life, improved the path of a pharmacy student, or gotten a chance to connect with colleagues from all over the country. The PPAG is one reason all of these rewarding pieces of my job are possible.”
Photo: Lisa Lubsch, clinical associate professor in the SIUE School of Pharmacy