John Caupert, director of the NCERC at SIUE, was presented with the industry esteemed Award of Excellence at the International Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo held June 1-4 in Minneapolis. The award, established by BBI International, honors the significant contributions Caupert has made to the fuel ethanol industry through his leadership of the NCERC.
“I was stunned and speechless when I learned I was receiving this highly respected award,” Caupert said. “I can think of no greater honor than to have been nominated by my industry peers. This award recognizes the contribution of the NCERC to the biofuels industry, our nation’s energy independence and our nation’s national security.”
“John’s receipt of this award comes as no surprise to the SIUE community,” remarked SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe. “He is a passionate advocate within the fuel ethanol industry and is recognized by the University and his colleagues as a champion in the field of ethanol research and production.”
Criteria for the Award of Excellence include the production of research or technology that has proven to enhance the industry’s ability to produce fuel ethanol. During Caupert’s nine years as director, the NCERC has contributed to the implementation and success of more than 50 technologies.
“Every single one of those 50 technologies are out in the commercial marketplace today, being utilized by ethanol and biofuels producers around the world,” Caupert explained. “The 50 technologies are generating in excess of $5.6 billion in annual revenue. They’re responsible for the direct employment of 5,000 people.”
The mission of the NCERC at SIUE is to facilitate the commercialization of new technologies for producing fuel ethanol more effectively. It houses analytical laboratories, a fermentation research suite, pilot plant: dry grind and wet mill ethanol processes and a workforce development training program. Caupert stresses that the “hidden gem” of the NCERC is the non-traditional training it offers.
“Since January 2007, more than 600 people have come through this building for some form of non-traditional training,” he explained. “Of those, 93 percent are full-time actively employed in the biofuels industry.”
Caupert plans to continue to use his leadership to protect the future of the ethanol industry by combating the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rulings that he says would financially devastate the NCERC.
“Ethanol is a homegrown biofuel that provides exponential contributions to the nation,” Caupert said. “It directly affects job creation and national security. I’m passionate about this industry and am eager for its future. We’ve only scratched the surface of what can be done.”
About the NCERC
The NCERC at SIUE is a nationally recognized research center dedicated to the development and commercialization of biofuels, specialty chemicals and other renewable compounds. The Center’s fully functional dry grind pilot plant and laboratories are equipped with advanced biofuels capabilities including corn fractionation, pretreatment, and a fermentation suite with 5, 30, 150 and 1500L scale-up. Facilities are staffed by industry veterans with more than 100 years of collective experience in fermentation and biofuels production. This knowledgeable team has the flexibility and expertise to design and carry out projects in any region of the advanced biofuels or specialty chemicals space. For more information, contact Courtney Breckenridge, (618) 659-6737 ext. 230,, or visit
Photos: John Caupert, director of the NCERC at SIUE displays his Award of Excellence.
Tim Portz (L) and Mike Bryan (R) of BBI International present John Caupert (center) with the Award of Excellence at the 2015 Fuel Ethanol Workshop & Expo.