The Southern Illinois University Board of Trustees at its regularly scheduled meeting on the Springfield campus Thursday, July 16, approved a construction contract and a computer leasing program for the Edwardsville campus.
The board approved a $558,883 contract to Christ Brothers Asphalt, Inc., of Lebanon to repair and replace sidewalks and inner roadway areas within Cougar Village. The project will be funded from the Housing Repair and Replacement Reserve fund.
The board also approved a 48-month program with Dell to service approximately 2,700 workstations on the SIUE, Alton and East St. Louis campuses at a cost of approximately $1,200 per workstation ($300 per year per work station). The program will be funded through departmental operating funds. Midwestern Higher Education Compact (MHEC) bid the project on behalf of the University.
SIUE has managed a successful computer leasing program for the past 15 years. The leased and purchased workstations are replaced every four years. The University receives the benefits of the equipment that incorporate the advantages of the latest technology while assisting in the elimination of obsolete, inefficient hardware incapable of running the latest software. The program provides for the continued leasing of approximately 900 workstations and the purchasing of approximately 1,800 workstations for administrative and academic use as well as maintenance and support.