Students ages 11 to 13 were at the controls of Sphero robots during Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s robotics camp held July 13-15 in Mascoutah. The camp encouraged creative learning and activity in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) through programming and design.
The three-day camp was hosted by the SIUE Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Research, Education and Outreach at the Leu Civic Center. Students explored the inner workings of the Sphero, a robotic ball.
“The camp was designed to introduce young students into programming and robotics,” said Kenneth Rodgers, SIUE STEM Center instructor and laboratory manager in the SIUE Chemistry Department. “Students used the program orbBasic to learn how to program the Sphero using a simplified code and functions.
“Most people view a Sphero as a smart phone toy,” explained Rodgers. “It gives students ultimate control of its function and abilities through programming.”
According to Rodgers, students were taught how to make the Sphero roll straight, turn and roll around in circles by programming line by line. For the camp finale students used their design and programming skills to lead their robot through an obstacle course they created.
“The interactive camp encouraged scientific discovery and provided an opportunity to introduce students to STEM related content in a relaxed and fun environment via self inquiry,” added Rodgers. “At the end of camp some students said they wanted to buy a Sphero to keep coding and testing its abilities.”