Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe led almost 100 staff, faculty and students through portions of the campus Thursday for SIUE’s annual Chancellor’s Walk. The Chancellor’s Walk is held yearly in conjunction with the SIUE’s Employee Benefits and Wellness Fair, and the SIUE Staff Senate Barbecue.
“It’s a great tradition to be part of the walk,” said Furst-Bowe, before leading enthusiasts on her first walk as SIUE chancellor. “It’s also a beautiful day to get a little exercise and see what’s happening on campus.”
The theme of this year’s walk was the growth on campus, according to Alex Holmes, fitness graduate assistant with Campus Recreation. Participants walked for about 1.5 miles through the Art & Design Building and the new west addition, around the Engineering Building and new Annex construction and alongside the new Science Building.
Before the walk, representatives from each of the buildings gave the crowd brief information about the structures.
Bill Retzlaff, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, talked about the benefits of now having the Art & Design Department under one roof. Mark Gritner, associate professor in Construction Management, let the audience know that remodeling for the Engineering Building should be completed in spring 2014. Kevin Johnson, director of the Environmental Sciences Program, mentioned several energy efficient and sustainable benefits of the new Science Building.
The brisk walk around campus in 62-degree weather lasted about 20 minutes.
“It’s good to walk across campus,” said Catrice Holmes, a graduating senior, majoring in biomedical sciences. “I can do it in my wedges and with a smile on my face.”
“It’s something fun to do with your colleagues,” said Lora Miles, associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs.
Phil Brown, director of Institute Research and Studies, agreed. “It lets you take a break from the computer for a while and see some of the people you don’t normally see,” he said.
The annual walk resulted from the interest of former SIUE Chancellor Nancy Belck, said Mick Ostrander, director of Campus Recreation.
“She was an avid walker and her first or second year as chancellor she instituted the walk,” Ostrander said about Belck.
Those participating in this year’s walk had a chance to win a free one-year membership to the SIUE Student Fitness Center. This year’s winner was Rita Lesemann, senior library specialist at Lovejoy Library.
Hundreds of staff and faculty took part in the health exposition. At the fair were several free screenings, administered by Anderson Hospital and the SIUE School of Pharmacy, and included blood pressure, body mass index, posture assessment, alignment evaluation and bone density. Participants also had an opportunity to talk with SIUE Benefits staff and view products and services provided by more than 50 vendors, most of whom offered free door prizes. The vendors consisted of local businesses and various SIUE schools, units and departments.
The day’s events were kicked off with another SIUE tradition—the donning of a graduation cap on the SIUE Cougar Statue. Furst-Bowe and Erik Zimmerman, student body president, presided over the capping of the Cougar to the cheers of the 2013 graduating class.
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Photo Information:
SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe and Alex Holmes, fitness graduate assistant, leads the group past Engineering building and the new Annex construction.
SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe and Kim Durr, executive assistant in the Office of the Chancellor, pick up water in the middle of the annual Chancellor’s Walk.
Kristie Rees, of the School of Pharmacy, tests the blood pressure of Wendy Cauley, account tech II in Accounts Payable.
Pictured are SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe, Erik Zimmerman, SIUE student body president, and the SIUE Graduating Class of 2013.