The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Alumni Association speaker series focuses on time management at 12:30 p.m. Monday, May 20 at Birger Hall on the SIUE campus. For a preview, see the video.
Featured speakers are Dr. Zach Schaefer, assistant professor of speech communication in the SIUE College of Arts and Sciences, and Brian Henry ’95 (mass communications), senior director of public affairs for Express Scripts. They will provide research-based tips and advice on how to best manage professional and personal commitments.
“Our goal is to help participants actively make the choice to use their time more wisely and prevent being a victim of time,” Schaefer said. “Participants will have a greater understanding of efficiently maximizing their time. They will consider their professional and personal values and learn to prioritize their time in accordance with those values.
“We also will discuss helpful online time management tools, share effective time management techniques and highlight useful strategies to avoid wasting time.”
Students, alumni and community members will discover that this hour-long presentation will enhance individual productivity and alter attitudes about time management. Thirty minutes of networking will follow the presentation.
The event is open to the public. Cost is $10 per person. SIUE student admission is free. Attendees may bring their own lunch or snacks. Cookies and beverages will be provided. Parking for this event at Birger Hall is free.
For more information or to register, visit the SIUE Alumni Association website.