In line with its commitment to a student-centered educational community, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville continues to expand its program offerings to meet the needs and demands of students through innovative, cost-effective avenues.
One such offering is being coordinated by Dr. Kevin Thomas, director of retention and student success at SIUE, and a senior project team from the Department of Applied Communication Studies. Student Academic Success Sessions (SASS) are providing students an opportunity to fulfill a general health requirement by attending five health-related sessions that feature presentations from University faculty and staff.
“We have had hundreds of first- and second-year students attending our sessions,” said Thomas. “The goal of the initiative is to have students learn more about their health and well-being at SIUE, while also learning about study skills, time management and organization.
“While topics are heavily focused on health, presenters have also shared strategies for student success through the use of critical thinking and their thought-provoking sessions.”
Completion of the SASS series is one of a variety of ways SIUE students can fulfill their health experience requirement. While it does not earn the students credit, it provides an opportunity to complete a requirement that leads to a cost savings of approximately $1,300 for the student.
“This is an awesome opportunity for students, because the presentations are interactive,” said senior project team member Haley Forsythe. “We wanted to make it financially easier for students to take accountability for their course load. All of the sessions we’re offering are approved for the health experience.”
SASS topics include test anxiety, stress management, nutrition and wellness, alternative medicine, a walking tour of The Gardens at SIUE and more.
“The topics are really insightful and applicable,” said sophomore Abbi Senger. “I feel motivated and ready to learn when I attend.”
“I like this offering,” added sophomore Austin Getts. “It saves us money and a full semester of time to help us stay on track.”
Thomas contends the SASS series is expanding and integrating the knowledge of both the organizing and participating students.
“With regard to the seniors leading this effort, this project has provided real-world applicability to their senior project,” he said. “The participants of SASS are learning and interacting with the presenters. We’ve received great feedback and have had huge attendance numbers.”
Photo: Kalisha Turner with SIUE Academic Advising presents on stress management to a room full of students.