In the wake of the on-going state of Illinois budget crisis, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Interim Chancellor Stephen Hansen addressed the campus community Monday in the Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom. He discussed the progress made by the SIUE congress that was established last fall to successfully plan for an SIUE that will thrive in the future.
Hansen believes that the University is at an important juncture where resources, growth and program expansion all dictate different courses of action. The congress’ purpose was to explore these issues in terms of direction and priorities for SIUE, and develop action plans.
The congress concluded that SIUE should continue to grow enrollment despite operating with fewer state resources. “We recognized the consequences and difficulties associated with growth,” Hansen said. “Those include available space, class size and the impact on the quality of the classroom experience. Plus, infrastructure, service and staffing all must be considered.
“Increasing enrollment is a key strategy – both politically and fiscally.”
The congress considered some tactical elements such as growing online offerings, better use of space and scheduling, and targeting special groups
The action items for enrollment growth will be:
- Updating and expanding the capacity study to better understand the advantages and limitations of growth
- Developing a plan for online programs that will attract new students and address questions concerning support and infrastructure
In attempting to determine SIUE’s academic program priorities, Hansen said the congress clarified that we should examine administrative (non-instructional) program priorities as well. There is a need to focus on the criteria, the guidelines and the process for establishing the priorities.
“Program prioritization allows us to focus our resources and to pursue opportunities for growth,” Hansen said. “Curricular innovation and delivery helps us with enrollment growth and quality education.”
The action items for academic prioritization will be:
- Through the University Quality Council (UQC), and the faculty and staff senates, a task force will be appointed to define the criteria and the procesThe action items for increasing revenue streams will be:
Hansen said the congress generated a number of interesting ideas to address increasing revenue to replace the loss of state appropriated dollars. Some of those concepts included increasing tuition and fees, increasing enrollment and specifically online enrollment, and monetizing facilities and other assets such as land. “We need to raise new revenue, that’s obvious,” Hansen declared.
The action items for increasing revenue streams will be:
- University Planning and Budget Council (UPBC) will review options and develop a revenue model
- UPBC will assign responsibilities and monitor progress and make adjustments accordingly
Hansen indicated the congress considered SIUE moving to a different budget model. “The current budget model is ‘incremental budgeting,’ which does not provide the flexibility necessary in the current economic climate, and does not reward growth or innovation,” he said. “A different budget system will help unleash energy, and provide incentive to units to grow and reward innovation. It will also give us the flexibility to target resources.”
The action items for the budget model will be:
- The Chancellor and the UPBC will appoint a committee to propose a new budget model
In conclusion, Hansen quoted Abraham Lincoln, “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise – with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew, and act anew.”
“The congress has set the stage for us to think anew and to begin to act anew,” Hansen stated. “The way forward will have a number of unforeseen obstacles, and we will likely have to zig and zag. It will require some patience and some perseverance.”