Dr. Agnes Scoville, winner of last year’s Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Metro East Start-Up Challenge, captured third place in the U.S. Small Business Administration’s InnovateHER Business Challenge.
Scoville competed as one of 10 finalists in a live business pitch on Thursday, March 17, in Washington, D.C. as part of a national business plan competition. InnovateHER was organized by SBA and sponsored by Microsoft to unearth innovative products and services that impact and empower the lives of women and families. More than 2,000 businesses entered this year’s business challenge.
Agnes Scoville, a U.S. military veteran, emergency room physician and founder of Scoville & Co., created the award-winning product Pacidose as the first in a line of home healthcare products for babies. Pacidose allows medication to be accurately dosed and delivered to infants “fuss-free” through a combined syringe and pacifier.
“We didn’t realize how big an opportunity this was until we arrived in D.C.,” said Scoville. “Finalists were invited to the White House and met with the SBA’s Office of Women’s Business Ownership. We participated in a roundtable discussion on how the SBA can reach out to other entrepreneurs across the country. Each of us shared our start-up experiences and had a chance to talk with successful women entrepreneurs.”
Networking with female-managed venture capital firms was another opportunity afforded to the InnovateHER finalists, according to Scoville.
“These executives presented the perspective of what it’s like to be a woman in the boardroom,” Scoville said. “They shared their expertise on scaling up our businesses and the unique approach that women bring to the table. I learned a lot over the two-day summit, which culminated with our live business pitch. I am grateful to the SBA for this wonderful opportunity and to Microsoft for the $10,000 prize.”
The national honor for Scoville & Co. follows a long list of successes in the last 12 months, including a 2015 St. Louis Arch Grant, selection as an Arcus Award finalist, and two cash awards from Startup Connection. In addition, Pacidose has received national media attention from Hallmark Channel along with Fox Television in San Diego and Saint Louis. Scoville is scheduled to appear on The Doctors TV show in May.
“I am hoping that by progressing to the top three in this competition, I am able to increase the awareness of Pacidose on a national scale,” she said. “I’m grateful to the Illinois Metro East Small Business Development Center for telling me about the InnovateHER competition.”
SBDC director Patrick McKeehan traveled to D.C. to support Scoville and listen to all of the business pitches. McKeehan found InnovateHER participants - much like those in the SIUE Metro East Start-Up Challenge – inspiring.
“I was extremely impressed by Agnes and all of the competitors,” said McKeehan. “These entrepreneurs have created products and services that will truly impact the lives of women and families. I look forward to seeing many of them in the marketplace very soon.”
SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet said SBA created InnovateHER to empower women “…in the face of ongoing gender inequities” in the technology and investment sectors.
“Women venture capital partners are stuck below 10 percent,” Contreras-Sweet said. “The amount of venture capital funding that goes to women entrepreneurs is even lower — only about four percent. On behalf of the SBA, I congratulate all of our winners and contestants. Their incredible talent is proof that America's small businesses and entrepreneurs are launching and growing businesses that not only disrupt the status quo, but also have the power to improve countless lives.”
Pacidose is sold locally at Schnucks Pharmacy, Dierbergs Pharmacy and more than 200 smaller retailers and independent pharmacies across the country. The dosing syringe/pacifier is also available on-line through Amazon and www.pacidose.com.
The Metro East SBDC assists start-ups like Scoville & Co. and existing businesses with presence in the nine Illinois counties of Calhoun, Jersey, Madison, Bond, Clinton, St. Clair, Washington, Monroe and Randolph. It is a no-cost service to the region funded, in part, by the SBA, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunities, and SIUE.
By aiding entrepreneurs and companies in defining their path to success, the Illinois SBDC Network positively impacts the Metro East by strengthening the business community, creating and retaining new jobs and encouraging new investment. It enhances the region’s economic interests by providing no-cost, one-stop assistance to individuals by means of counseling, connections, research and resources to small businesses. When appropriate, the SBDC strives to affiliate its ties to the region to support the goals and objectives of both the SIUE School of Business and the University at large.
To learn how the SBDC can help your small business, contact the Metro East SBDC at (618) 650-2929 or sbdcedw@gmail.com.
Photo: Scoville & Co.’s Dr. Agnes Scoville (far right) receives her third place check in the national InnovateHER competition.