Dr. W.H. (Bert) Milligan, director of the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, will be the keynote speaker at the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine commencement at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 1.
Forty-six students will receive a doctor of dental medicine degree at the event in SIU Edwardsville’s Meridian Ballroom in the Morris University Center. The ceremony will be seen live on siuetv. A reception for students, faculty and family members will follow the ceremony in the Goshen Lounge.
In light of his career contributions to dentistry, Dr. Milligan earned the SIUE Alumni Hall of Fame Award in October 2012. The SIUE Alumni Hall of Fame annually honors alumni who, through leadership, character and hard work, have made exceptional contributions in their chosen field.
After earning his Ph.D. in microbiology at the University of Pittsburgh, Milligan began his career as a faculty member at the SIU School of Dental Medicine prior to the enrollment of the first class of students in 1972. He helped develop the curriculum and played a role in the education of the first graduating classes.
In a unique twist, Milligan served as faculty member for four years before deciding to enter the dental school as a student. He obtained his D.M.D. in 1979.
Milligan spent eight years as a SIU SDM faculty member before returning to Pennsylvania. He spent 25 years practicing general dentistry, lecturing part-time and giving continuing education courses at Pitt’s SDM. Before recently transitioning to his current position, Milligan had served as the Pitt SDM associate dean of Clinical Affairs.
In March 2013, Milligan received the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Presidential Citation, which is awarded to leaders who have demonstrated exceptional service to ADEA and the dental education community.
Dr. Milligan is a lifetime member of both the American Dental Association (ADA) and the ADEA. He serves as counselor for the ADEA’s clinic administration section and chairs the Pennsylvania Dental Association’s environmental issues committee. He is a fellow in the International College of Dentists and a consultant for the ADA Council of Dental Accreditation.
Milligan serves as an assistant professor in the departments of Diagnostic Sciences and Oral Biology at Pitt’s SDM. He teaches microbiology, ethics and professionalism, practice management and pathobiology. He has been an advocate for interdisciplinary and inter-professional education, and patient care throughout his career.