The event is part of the “Sculpture on Campus” (SoC) program, and features 12 student-designed and installed sculptures displayed across campus.
“This year’s sculpture walk will include presentations from each of the participating student artists, engaging the audience with the inspiration, design, fabrication and installation processes for each of the site specific works,” said Brad Eilering, participating artist and fine arts/sculpture graduate student.
The walk is just one portion of the three-day event, running Oct. 5-7, and hosted by the SIUE Department of Art & Design. The program will kick-off with a public lecture by juror and Brooklyn-based artist Afruz Amighi at noon on Wednesday, Oct. 5 in Art & Design West, room 1104.
Amighi holds a master’s of fine arts from New York University, and has exhibited her Islamic and Gothic inspired installations around the world. During her visit, Amighi will work with the participating artists.
Following Friday’s Sculpture Walk, an awards ceremony will be held at 6 p.m. in the lobby of the Art & Design East Building where the winners will be announced, including a $1,000 first prize. From 7-9 p.m., guests can enjoy a SoC Alumni Show opening reception in the Art Gallery of Art & Design West.
An exhibition titled, “Sculpture on Campus: Revisited” will feature artwork by former SoC participants, including past winners. Andy Magee’s Trump-inspired mixed media work is one such piece that will elicit conversation during the political season.
The original sculpture designs will remain on display on the SIUE campus for one year.
Photos: Among the featured pieces is Brad Eilering’s sculpture, entitled, “Turning the Page.”
Along the Sculpture Walk, participants will view graduate student Carly Faye’s “Decent People” installation.