Nearly 400 individuals attended Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s third Black Lives Matter Conference: “We Are One … Are We?” Monday, October 3, in the Morris University Center Conference Center. The SIUE Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion presented the event, under the direction of Venessa Brown, PhD, associate chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion.
“As we see the news about conflict and confrontation, we have a great challenge as a country,” said Dr. Randy Pembrook, SIUE chancellor. “The solution starts with better communication, and that communication hopefully can lead to better relationships and interactions. SIUE has been and will be a catalyst in those communications, and I’m proud of my institution in that regard. Thanks to Dr. Venessa Brown for her work on these conferences.”
Faculty members Jessica Harris, PhD, and Bryan Jack, PhD, assistant and associate professors, respectively, of historical studies in SIUE’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), led the event. Both were involved in the previous SIUE Black Lives Matter conferences during the 2015-16 academic year.
Among the conference attendees were some of the University’s current and former administrators. They included Board of Trustee Chairman Randall Thomas, SIU President Randy Dunn, past SIUE Interim Chancellor Steve Hansen, and Interim Provost Denise Cobb.
Kenneth Coleman, a senior majoring in theater performance, performed his original poem, “The Sword of Damocles is Double-Edged.” The poem speaks of dark times in America, where black people were killed, abused and discriminated against and notes that racism can be a two-edged sword.
The highlight of the conference was the viewing of the film “White Like Me: Race, Racism and White Privilege in America” featuring anti-racism activist and author Tim Wise. Analysis and a question-and-answer session followed the film, which examines how America’s history is tied with race.
Among other things, “White Like Me” shows how Depression-era social programs for job insurance, housing assistance and the G.I. Bill excluded non-whites and laid the foundation for disparities that can be seen today among whites and non-whites.
“It was a wonderful film to dispel ignorance about white privilege. We, as white people, need to own our history in America,” said Carole Frick, chair of the Department of Historical Studies. “Everyone should be required to see the film as a freshman.
“I think of concern around the topic of white privilege,” Frick added, “is the fear among those who are privileged, that they will lose their privilege.
Patricia Rudloff, 77, of Edwardsville, said she recognizes how she and her family have benefited from white privilege. Her sons are thriving, even though three of them dropped out of high school and one has a mental illness, because they benefited from her family’s business. “But people in Edwardsville think everything is wonderful, and we don’t want to have this discussion.”
The question of what SIUE is doing to address the disparities facing black faculty, staff and students, received a lot of comments from the audience.
Cobb fielded the initial question and told the audience about SIUE’s strategic hiring initiative that is aimed at hiring qualified African Americans as faculty and staff members.
“We need to use it, and leverage it to accomplish our goals,” Cobb said. “We still have work to do, but having this initiative is a way to move in the right direction.”
In answer to the question of whether or not there should be mandatory diversity training for faculty and staff, David Thompson, a College of Arts and Sciences senior, answered in the affirmative. “It is needed among the students, and especially if you plan to do any kind of work on campus.”
“But how do we sustain diversity training and objectives over a period of time?” asked Oliver Washington Jr., a senior majoring in history and education. “A key factor, I believe, is to have professors, faculty and other influential leaders learn how to model certain behavior. We still have a culture here at SIUE. We have to take it upon ourselves, and make it our personal curriculum.”
It’s what Mikayla Butler, a sophomore majoring in history and philosophy, says she does. “We have to make it uncomfortable for those around us to speak disparagingly against people of other cultures, and to challenge racism and stereotypes when we come in contact with it.”
“I noticed racism when I came to SIUE and then realized it was a systemic problem,” said LaShaunda Lenora Jordan, a senior CAS student. “It has been hard for me to maneuver in the system at SIUE. The system is not set up for us to succeed. Diversity cannot be just another check off mark on a list.”
Lakesha Butler, PharmD, clinical associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice, said she was encouraged with discussion that the conference had brought out. “However, we need to deal with the people who are not in this room, and who are not willing to have this conversation. We have to make this a priority and start from the top down and have consistent support.”
“I felt good about the conference. The film sparked a lot of conversation,” Brown said. “We wanted to showcase that there are other champions of diversity who are not African Americans, and they can help advance the conversation. We plan to have more dialogue about race at a forum on January 18, 2017, the morning before the Dr. Martin Luther King Luncheon celebration.”
Talking before SIUE’s third Black Lives Matter Conference are (left to right): Jessica Harris, PhD, and Bryan Jack, PhD, assistant and associate professors, respectively, of historical studies in SIUE’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS); and Venessa Brown, PhD, associate chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion.
Oliver Washington Jr., a senior majoring in history and education, talks about how to establish and sustain a diversified way of thinking.
Patricia Rudloff, 77, of Edwardsville, tells the audience about her experiences with white privilege.