The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering will host the 2016 Annual Mid-American Environmental Engineering Conference Saturday, Oct. 22. The conference will run from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. in the School’s auditorium.
The conference allows graduate students in civil engineering and environmental engineering to share their academic experiences and research. Faculty are also in attendance.
“This is a great example of the collaborative scientific spirit in the region towards the environment,” said Cem Karacal, PhD and dean of the School of Engineering. “It will allow students and faculty from local universities to connect with each other and share research ideas. These issues, especially in regards to water resources, are receiving regional and national attention, and our universities are joining forces to make a difference.”
Along with SIUE, participating schools include Missouri University of Science and Technology, University of Missouri Columbia, Saint Louis University, Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Washington University in St. Louis.
SIUE and the St. Louis chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers-Environmental & Water Resources Institute (ASCE-EWRI) co-sponsor the conference.
Photo: Cem Karacal, PhD and dean of the SIUE School of Engineering.