More than 100 Boy Scouts from Southwestern Illinois attended the third annual STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Merit Badge Day at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville on Saturday, Nov. 5. The Lewis and Clark Council of the Boy Scouts of America co-sponsored the day with the SIUE Center for STEM Research, Education and Outreach.
The scouts earned STEM-related merit badges while visiting SIUE’s Science West and Engineering Buildings. Badges were offered in chemistry, digital technology, energy, engineering, geology, computer programming, robotics and sustainability.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for SIUE to reach out to youth in our region, and promote science and engineering careers,” said Eric Voss, PhD, Lewis and Clark Council STEM committee chair and SIUE chemistry professor. “These middle school and high school age scouts get a chance to perform science and engineering experiments in SIUE labs, and you can see their excitement in doing STEM activities. There is a great need for future scientists and engineers, and hosting an event like this is one way to encourage our youth to think about potential college degrees and careers in STEM."
Volunteers in STEM careers provided instruction and hands-on learning opportunities for the scouts, and several professional societies also participated. The Scott Field Post of the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) provided a hot breakfast for the scouts, and individuals from that organization also volunteered their time. The St. Louis Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) supported the chemistry merit badge by providing thermochromic cups to participants, and members of the ACS Student Affiliate Chapter (SIUE Chemistry Club) assisted with activities.
Photo: Dr. Myron Jones, SIUE Assistant Professor of Chemistry, shows scout Makinley Korte how to build a Cartesian Diver.