Elementary students are learning about the importance of oral health and receiving free oral screenings throughout February at the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine (SIU SDM).
The community offering, coordinated with area schools, is in celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month. SIU SDM third year students are leading engaging educational activities for the kids. Fourth year students are gaining hands-on experience as they perform screenings.
View a video of the upbeat educational opportunity here.
“Open really wide like an alligator,” said fourth-year dental student Jasmine Abdullh, as she conducted a screening. “Good job!”
“We’re bringing in classes from different elementary schools and we’re teaching the kids a little about dentistry and how to take care of their mouths,” third-year dental student Alex Jarava explained. “We are also providing free exams, letting them take awesome impressions of their hands and teaching them a little bit more about the dental clinic so they’re not afraid to come in and see us.”
“This is an exceptional opportunity, especially for the kids that do not have a regular dentist,” added Joseph Balda, a fourth-year dental student.
Along with teaching the children how to take care of their oral health, the SIU SDM students are building their communication skills and engaging in the School’s commitment to community outreach.
“If we can get them in at a young age, they can see that the dentist is really a cool, fun place where they can take care of their teeth,” Jarava said.
“And how do I brush my gums?” Sundeep Franklin, a student in the SIU SDM International Advanced Placement Program, asked a group of children at his educational station. “Good job! And the tongue has to be nice and pink.”
“Our students appreciate their real-life application of how interacting with different populations, kids included, makes them more equipped to do that when they’re out on their own in the professional world,” explained Dr. Katie Kosten, director of community dentistry at the SIU SDM. “It’s a great opportunity for them. They get a lot out of it and find it enjoyable.”