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SIUE Student Joshalynn Starks Pushes Past Obstacles to Grab Hold of Achievements


JoshalhynnStarksA background loaded with opportunities to succumb to bleak statistics, the trauma of a first-hand account in the death of her mother, and struggles with her own physical health have not prevented Southern Illinois University Edwardsville student Joshalynn Starks from realizing successes in school and life. 

Starks, a senior majoring in social work with a 3.2 GPA, grew up on the east side of Carbondale, a community known for its share of troubles. 

“My mother despised many of the problems the community faced, particularly the drugs and crime, and always told me to keep away from it and the lifestyle.” 

Starks better understood her mother’s warnings when she was 11.  Her peers routinely found themselves on the infamous Chestnut Street, a popular hangout. Drug users and dealers favored the street. When Starks and a friend witnessed a young woman fleeing a barrage of gunfire in her car, she vowed to stay away from Chestnut Street. 

“I chose friends who were not in that lifestyle,” she said. “But the environment was still too much for some people I knew. I know six males, who I grew up with, who are in jail.” 

In the midst of this challenging environment, Starks did well in school because of her love for education and her mother’s encouragement. Then there came a time when that support ended. 

“My mom died from a heart attack in 2008 as a result of scleroderma,” said Starks. “I woke up one morning to a constantly ringing phone. I found my mother sitting up and unresponsive. I was 13.” 

“When there is a crisis, I handle it well,” Starks continued. “I couldn’t have feelings at the moment, I had to contact people. It was not until hours later that I reacted. I said, ‘This is my life now. I have to keep going.’” 

Thankfully, Starks had family willing to help. Months later, her mother’s niece, Shavonda Mitchom, SIUE East St. Louis Center deputy executive director, became her legal guardian and moved Starks to Fairview Heights with her. 

“I’d always felt close to Shavonda. I could talk to her about my problems, and she’d make me feel better,” Starks said. 

“Joshalynn was born when I was a senior in high school, so I’ve spent many years watching her grow,” said Mitchom. “I saw myself as a big sister to her. When I left home (Carbondale) for college, I made sure to stay in touch and spend time with her when I returned home on breaks. We had a natural closeness even early on.” 

“Joshalynn has always been a hard worker and determined to succeed in life,” Mitchom continued. “When my aunt passed away, I wanted to do everything in my power to ensure that Joshalynn (still) had the opportunity to succeed despite life’s obstacles, that I, myself have faced growing up. Our goal together was to ensure we met her mother’s wish, that Joshalynn graduate from high school, and pursue and complete a post-secondary education.” 

Starks was diagnosed with lupus in 2009. “We didn’t know what was going on at first. I bit my tongue, and it turned black. I bumped into a door and had a huge bruise. I also had many red spots on my legs. I was tired, and had pain in my joints and body. 

“After we found out, I said to myself again that this was my life now, and I have to figure out how to keep moving forward.” 

Starks continues to live her life by her personal creed. She transferred from Illinois State University in Normal as a junior to SIUE, where she has been on the Dean’s List twice. Starks is also a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and treasurer of the Black Student Union at SIUE. 

Starks sees a future for herself helping people: “I always wanted to be a nurse or a doctor, but when I got to college I realized science was not for me. However, I am good at counseling, and my peers have always come to me for advice. 

“Now I would like to go into medical social work,” she continued. “A social worker can work with children and the elderly, and deal with issues relating to sex trafficking, drug abuse, and more in a hospital setting.” 

“I try to be a living example and motivation to people around me,” Starks added. “Everyone has struggles to overcome. Things can be bad, but you have to find ways that work for you. Find what makes you happy and keep pushing forward.” 

“One of life’s greatest blessings is being able to make a difference in the lives of others,” Mitchom said. “I am honored to have served in this role for Joshalynn and even more thrilled she has developed the same desire to help others. She is an amazing young lady who has not only persevered, but also far exceeded life’s difficulties. She is an inspiration to others, and my two daughters look up to her as a big sister.  I couldn’t be more proud of all she has accomplished.” 

Photo: Joshalynn Starks is a senior majoring in social work at SIUE who is scheduled to graduate in May.

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