Makyla Green eagerly files out of her classroom at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center (ESLC). The SIUE Upward Bound student is participating in the place-based environmental research project led by SIUE’s Danielle N. Lee, PhD. Lee is a visiting assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Biological Sciences, who has been internationally recognized by the National Geographic Society as an Emerging Explorer.
The project is one of six at the ESLC that is funded by CAS’ Targeted Funding Initiative (TFI). Also working with the students was Ben Greenfield, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Biological Sciences.
“The students have been doing a wonderful job,” Lee said. “We have been doing BioBlitz training, where the students do a quick ecological survey of the area and describe the wildlife community on and near the SIUE East St. Louis Center campus.”
Students observed and recorded plants and animals by taking photographs, making sketches and collecting plant samples. They were divided into a mapping team, a plant and tree identification team and an animal and insect identification team.
“The class has reinforced the science skills they are learning at their schools and in their Upward Bound classes,” Lee added.
I am excited that our Upward Bound students had an opportunity to work with professors from the SIUE campus to learn about and explore environmental science,” said Javonda Quinn, Upward Bound Program EC/BEM director. “It is project-based learning opportunities like this that I hope will spark interest in those students looking to explore the field of STEM.”
“This class has been helpful and enjoyable for me,” said Green, a sophomore at East St. Louis Senior High School. “I like that I get to study animals, because in the future I want to be a veterinarian or someone who helps animals. It’s been a great experience to be close to what we’re researching.”
Students will give the presentation on the results of their research efforts and have a panel discussion, facilitated by ESLC Executive Director Jesse Dixon at 4 p.m. Friday, June 2 at the SIUE East St. Louis Center Resource Center, Building B, 601 James R. Thompson Blvd. Also participating in the panel discussion will be Lee and Greenfield.
“We are incredibly excited to have Dr. Lee and Dr. Greenfield working with our Upward Bound students on this project,” Dixon said. “It’s inspiring to see them apply scientific methods to data collection and analysis using the nature that exists in their community. This initiative is part of a broader effort at the SIUE East St. Louis Center to utilize the expertise of University faculty to create highly-engaging learning experiences for our young people.”
Central to SIUE’s exceptional and comprehensive education, the College of Arts and Sciences has 19 departments and 85 areas of study. More than 300 full-time faculty/instructors deliver classes to more than 8,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty help students explore diverse ideas and experiences, while learning to think and live as fulfilled, productive members of the global community. Study abroad, service-learning, internships, and other experiential learning opportunities better prepare SIUE students not only to succeed in our region's workplaces, but also to become valuable leaders who make important contributions to our communities.
With a focus on empowering people and strengthening communities, the SIUE East St. Louis Center is dedicated to improving the lives of families and individuals - from pre-school through adult - in the Metro East. Head Start/Early Head Start and a charter high school are among the programs that offer the community renewed hope and an opportunity to reach educational, career and life goals. The Center also assigns first priority to encouraging, supporting and improving the educational success of the residents of East St. Louis and surrounding urban communities. The Center provides comprehensive programs, services and training in the areas of education, health, social services and the arts.
Dr. Danielle Lee, a visiting assistant professor in the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Biological Sciences (left) and Makyla Green, SIUE Upward Bound student, survey a frog that students discovered during an environmental research project, funded by CAS’ Targeted Funding Initiative.
SIUE Upward Bound students Egar Williams (left) and Eve Hill discuss identifying one of the plants along a nearby city street from the SIUE East St. Louis Center.