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The SIUE East St. Louis Center to host Orientations June 30 and July 5 for Those Interested in Obtaining Child Development Associate Certificate


ConnectionsClassFor Cheryl Washington, sitting at a small round table in a small red chair is a result of identifying a goal and working to achieve it. Washington is working as an early childhood apprentice at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center (ESLC) Kindergarten Readiness Camp at Gordon Bush Elementary School in East St. Louis this summer. 

She and four other apprentices are earning credit toward the 480 classroom hours needed to obtain their Child Development Associate (CDA) credential. These apprentices are able to do so because they completed a 135 hour, six-week course offered by the ESLC and LUME Institute earlier this year. 

Because of the demand and need for quality childcare workers, the ESLC is partnering again with LUME to offer a second cohort for CDA apprenticeship program, which will begin July 24. The class will meet from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. Lunch is offered each day. 

Orientations to provide information about eligibility, expectations and registration for the program will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday, June 30 and at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 5 at the East St. Louis Learning Resource Center at the East St. Louis Higher Education Campus, 601 James R. Thompson Blvd. Eligible apprentices who complete the CDA course will be placed in local childcare centers. 

LUME offers one of the few Department of Labor approved early childhood apprenticeship programs in the U.S. and is the only early childhood apprenticeship program in this region. The LUME CDA course is unique in that it teaches new early childhood professionals about the social and emotional development skills that preschool youth need to develop to become successful in school and life. 

The LUME curriculum also gives the new professional insight into their attitudes, beliefs and values that may impact their teaching style and interactions with students and other adults on the job. The CDA apprenticeship is a 24-month training program that allows aspiring early childhood professionals to take courses for free, as well as receive support and coaching in completing their CDA credential. Apprentices receive paid on the job training from local childcare employers with open positions. 

The apprenticeship also means employers will invest in their apprentice’s ongoing professional development while they are working, and help participants ultimately secure living wage employment in the field. 

“LUME is thrilled to partner with the SIUE East St. Louis Center once again to connect unemployed and underemployed workers to training and employment in early childhood education,” said Lindsey Forsythe, LUME Workforce Development project coordinator. “What happens early in life lasts a lifetime, so it is critical for early childhood educators to be well trained and educated, and to have access to resources to support their success. We believe this program meets those needs and more.” 

Community partner Connections to Success, offers a personal and  professional development (PP&D) workshop at the ESLC. Several of the apprentices completed this three week course prior to completing the Child Development Associate course, according to Johanna Wharton, director of Workforce Development and Strategic Partnerships at the ESLC. 

“The personal and professional development workshop was instrumental in helping our apprentices prepare for a career in early childhood development,” Wharton added. “Those who completed the PP&D course first had greater insight into professional skills, work ethics and their ability to problem solve on the job.” 

“Connections to Success helped me better understand myself, so I could focus on what I want out of life,” said Washington, of East St. Louis. 

Washington is currently working on her professional portfolio and plans to sit for the CDA examination after she completes her 480 classroom hours. 

“Going through the LUME course helped enhance my degree in early childhood education from St. Louis Community College – Florissant Valley,” she said. “After Connections to Success, I’m happier. You have to start with yourself and make improvements before you can help anyone else.” 


Child development apprentice Cheryl Washington, back row-right, was part of the second Connections to Success course offered by the ESLC in February 2017. 

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