Jo Ann Di Maggio May is the new director of the Illinois Metro East Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. SIUE School of Business Interim Dean Tim Schoenecker, PhD, appointed Di Maggio May after she had served as the interim director since August 2016.
The SBDC has offices in SIUE’s School of Business on the Edwardsville campus and at the SIUE East St. Louis Center.
“Jo Ann has performed admirably as interim director,” Schoenecker said. “She has received accolades from the regional and state directors of the Illinois SBDC Network. While serving in both the interim director and business specialist roles, Jo Ann continued to meet the state’s targets for client services and pursued new opportunities to reach underserved populations with innovative small business training programs. We look forward to working with Jo Ann to help grow and expand the SBDC’s operations.”
“I am honored and humbled to be in this position,” Di Maggio May said. “I enjoy helping small business grow our region and am excited to work with various partners to further SBDC efforts and community involvement. Working together in support of entrepreneurship will have a tremendous economic impact on the Metro East.”
Di Maggio May has a foundation in the regional business community as her brothers own Di Maggio Bros. Pizza and Pasta in Highland.
A Glen Carbon resident, Di Maggio May was a graduate assistant for the SBDC at SIUE from August 2005-September 2007. She also has served as an international business consultant for the SBDC’s International Trade Center (ITC).
Di Maggio May earned a bachelor’s in business administration from SIUE in 2005 and followed with an MBA in 2007.
Di Maggio May assumes the responsibilities previously held by Patrick McKeehan, who moved into the private sector in July 2016.
Photo: SIUE SBDC Director Jo Ann Di Maggio May.