A group of female students from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) ECM program got to hear honest, frank and uncensored remarks about life’s challenges and self-improvement from one of today’s popular actresses – Gabrielle Union.
Union talked to more than 300 women about her New York Times best-selling book, We're Going to Need More Wine: Stories That Are Funny, Complicated, and True, on Saturday, Oct. 28 at the St. Louis County Library. In the book, the actress spoke about, among other things, being raped and her struggles as a black woman in Hollywood. Union gave each audience member a copy of her book and then autographed it.
“I loved it,” said Kayla Dawson, UBMS student. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to interact with Gabrielle Union. It was the 25th anniversary of her rape, and she was open and honest about her struggles. She talked about everyday things that people could relate to.”
Jamie Crockett, a former SIUE East St. Louis Center Upward Bound student and founder of Shining Light Media, took 16 East St. Louis area students, staff and parents to Union’s presentation.
“Jamie stood up and asked Gabrielle a question on behalf of the East St. Louis students in the audience,” continued Dawson, who is also a junior at the SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School. “She asked how we could overcome the negative opinions others may have about us. Gabrielle told us to be true to ourselves and always be on time.”
“What I enjoyed most about the experience was Gabrielle Union’s ability to be authentic, honest and transparent about some of her most difficult moments in life, including divorce, financial struggles and trauma,” said Septembre Lewis, UBMS counselor.
The students got the unique chance to see that film stars have struggles, too, said UBMS Program Director Elke Harris-McIntosh.
“Gabrielle Union also engaged the students with an interest to read more, and she inspired brief readers to become strong readers,” added Harris-McIntosh.
The SIUE Upward Bound Math & Science program is designed to prepare participants for post-secondary education and motivate their exploration of science, mathematics and related education professionals. Participants receive tutorial instruction in science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), along with language arts, foreign language and more. The program also offers a six-week summer residential component, where University faculty members instruct introductory courses in STEM, language arts, foreign language and computer literacy.
Photo: Actress and New York Times Best Selling Author Gabrielle Union (sitting center) spoke to a group of students from the SIUE East St. Louis Center Upward Bound Math and Science EC program, including Kayla Dawson (to her left). Also pictured are UBMS counselor Septembre Lewis (center back row) and founder of Shining Light Media Jamie Crockett (standing far right).