Care, support and holiday cheer came to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS) students in Christmas stockings and brightly colored, decorated boxes during CHS’s annual Angel Tree program giveaway on Thursday, Dec. 14.
The program raised more than $1,555 in cash and collected needed items to help all 115 CHS students have a joyous holiday season.
Each student received a CHS shirt and miscellaneous items, including hats, gloves, scarves or socks. Those families with greater needs were handed individually wrapped boxes containing such gifts as clothing, coats, shoes, winter gear, school supplies or hygiene products.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. gave a large donation that included socks, gloves, hats and women’s clothing. SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook and his wife, Dr. Mary Jo Pembrook, piano teacher with the SIUE East St. Louis Center for the Performing Arts Program, donated Christmas stockings with miscellaneous items inside. Carrollton Bank also donated items for the stockings.
“The purpose of this program is to ensure that all of our students have something to open on Christmas day,” said Pamela Saffore, CHS guidance counselor and coordinator for the school’s Angel Tree program, which started five years ago by then-guidance counselor Stacy Lampkin. “We understand the stress and pressure on families during this time of year. We wrap all of our items to make it special for the students.”
“Before students can become engaged learners and take full advantage of the curriculum and instruction, their basic needs must be met,” said Anne Moore, CHS budget director. “While household income levels vary from student to student, it is important that every student feels appreciated and acknowledged by the SIUE community.”
Saffore noted how previous Angel Tree programs have specifically helped CHS students. One CHS student received personal hygiene products and clothing, as she had to move from house to house. In another instance, a student who lost everything in a house fire was able to replace some of what she lost.
“The Angel Tree program gives our students pride in knowing that they are valued, appreciated and cared for,” said CHS Program Director Gina Jeffries. “Previously, the program was based solely on needs. I am excited that the program has evolved so that now every student receives a gift.”
The mission of the SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School is to prepare students, who are career- and college-ready, upon graduation. To achieve this mission, the school and its staff will positively impact the educational and economic lives of East St. Louis youth. The SIUE Charter High School is a school of choice for families in the East St. Louis School District 189.
L-R: Preparing Angel Tree gifts for SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School (CHS) students are Willis Young, CHS assistant director; Jordyn Hale, SIUE graduate student; Anne Moore, CHS budget director; Pamela Saffore, CHS guidance counselor; Shawn Roundtree, CHS social worker; and Gina Jeffries, CHS program director.
CHS Guidance Counselor Pamela Saffore (left) and CHS Budget Director Anne Moore help make the holidays brighter for Charter High School families.