Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) has named Southern Illinois University Edwardsville among 112 colleges and universities to its 2018 Transfer Honor Roll, which identifies the top four-year colleges and universities creating dynamic pathways to support transfer students.
Open to all regionally accredited baccalaureate degree-granting institutions, PTK’s Transfer Honor Roll recognizes excellence and success in community college transfer pathway development. Institutions are evaluated in the areas of scholarship and financial aid, admissions outreach, student support services, and student engagement opportunities.
“This honor is a reflection of the efforts of many, because we are so blessed to have a team of professionals across campus that are quite passionate and committed to our transfer students,” said Jennifer Harbaugh, SIUE associate director of admissions. “It has allowed us to provide quality service and develop programs that not only are in need, but also ensure the success of our students. I am fortunate to be part of such an extraordinary team.”
Transfer Honor Roll colleges will be recognized at PTK Catalyst 2018, Phi Theta Kappa’s annual convention, in Kansas City, April 19-21.
PTK President and CEO Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner said the recognition program reflects the growing importance of recognizing and responding to the needs of community college transfers, and promoting and sharing best practices for transfer success. She also noted that colleges and universities that provide high-quality programs and services to community college transfers benefit from the rich perspective and diversity these students bring to the student body, and ultimately to the nation’s workforce.
“These students are scholars, leaders, and global citizens, and it has been shown over and over that they do as well as students beginning college at a four-year college or university,” Tincher-Ladner said. “In order to ensure their continued success, the Transfer Honor Roll Program identifies colleges and universities that understand the unique needs of transfer students and applauds the dynamic pathways these colleges have created to continue fostering student success among transfer students at the four-year college.”
PTK is the premier honor society recognizing the academic achievement of students at associate degree-granting colleges and helping them to grow as scholars and leaders. The Society consists of more than 3.5 million members and nearly 1,300 chapters in nine nations. Learn more at
Photo: Jennifer Harbaugh, SIUE associate director of admissions.