Diversity and inclusion are values of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville that the campus has demonstrated, been awarded for and is committed to improving. Now, these attributes can also be found on display on the University’s new Diversity Wall.
“The Diversity Wall is designed to showcase our Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Awards, the diversity of our campus, compliment the world flags, highlight our diversity commitment and highlight our flying of the United Nations Flag,” said Venesssa A. Brown, PhD, associate chancellor for the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and chief diversity officer.
The Wall is located on the second floor of Rendleman Hall, near the Admissions Office. HEED Awards from 2014-17 are posted on a wall, along with a freestanding block. Some of the inscription reads, “SIUE is committed to education that explores the historic significance of diversity in order to understand the present and to better enable our students to engage the future.”
“It is good for the University to take every opportunity to celebrate the diversity and inclusion of our campus and our role in the world,” Brown continued. “Also, the Wall will provide an opportunity for new students and parents to see our commitment to diversity when they visit SIUE.”
Venesssa A Brown, PhD, associate chancellor for the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion and chief diversity officer, is shown in front of SIUE’s new Diversity Wall.