Southern Illinois University Edwardsville students had a chance to register to vote from Tuesday, Aug. 27 through today, Aug. 29 in the Morris University Center.
“I was registered in Chicago, but I wanted to register here at school,” said Jessica Mims, a freshman majoring in accounting.
SIUE’s Kimmel Leadership Center held a two-day registration for students as part of its community service efforts, said Sarah Laux, assistant director for civic engagement. For years, the University has held voter registration for students at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.
“Voter registration is one of many ways for students to be involved in civic engagement,” Laux said. “As citizens, voting is one way for them to fulfill their duties and responsibilities toward their community and their fellow citizens.”
Andrew Buffey, of Caseyville, registered for the first time on Wednesday. “I did, so I can have some say in politics,” said the freshman majoring in computer management and information systems.
“SIUE is in its own precinct,” Laux said, “so that makes it nice for our students.”
Student interest seemed to be good during the time that Kylie McCarver, graduate assistant majoring in social work, volunteered to staff the voter registration table.
“I had about 10 students to register in one hour,” McCarver said. “It’s important to give students the opportunity to get involved and let their voices be heard.”
About 50 students registered to vote from Aug. 27-28. Today is the last day to register to vote from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Photo Information:
Charles Jones, a SIUE student, registers to vote.