Be careful what you share online. Work to be secure within yourself. Practice being a leader. These and other messages were illustrated through ethnodramas that dealt with bullying, and were written and performed by students from the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center (ESLC) Upward Bound Math and Science Cahokia Madison (CM) Program.
“Ethnodrama was used to help students improve their writing abilities to write for change,” said Sarah Hobson, PhD, designer and teacher for the Math and Science English course, and president and founder of Community Allies.
Approximately 24 ESLC Math and Science students from Cahokia and Madison high schools participated in the four-week summer program that began June 24.
“Through the Community Allies ethnodramatic method of teaching, Honoring Stories and Integrating Curriculum™, students and teachers use collaborative research that helps them understand the intersections between people’s stories and societal conflicts,” said Hobson. “Through a range of ethnodrama techniques that help them step into other people’s shoes, students gain a birds-eye view on the factors that drive social conflicts. They also gain a range of communication techniques.”
Students researched and interviewed one another on the subject of bullying, according to Hobson. Then the students wrote various three-five- minute scenes and performed them on Thursday, July 19 in front of a video camera.
The students were divided into the following groups:
- Scene 1 (juniors) – How do people get recruited to become bullies?
- Scene 2 (seniors) – What are some creative approaches to standing up to bullies?
- Scene 3 (freshmen) – How does cyber bullying influence popularity and gender relationships?
- Scene 4 (sophomores) – What does it mean to be a leader in bullying situations?
- Scene 5 (juniors and seniors) – Where does racism come from? How do people use racism to bully others?
“Ethnodramas are basically stories that come alive on paper,” said 15-year-old Khiana Wilkinson, a sophomore at Cahokia High School. “I like to write, and this class showed me how to be more creative and effective in my writing. I’m working on an anthology.”
“I learned how to act in scenes,” said 15-year-old Shaniya Dandridge, a sophomore at Madison High School. “When I’m in the scenes, I can say what I want. I’m not fearful. Typically, I’m a quiet person.”
“Through ethnodramatic techniques, students learned how to identify the deeper needs of their peers that led to bullying, and they practiced a range of communication techniques intended to head off violence through communication,” said Hobson. “They used their emerging playwriting and acting abilities in the service of social and emotional bonding, intellectual and artistic creativity, and healing.
“We are grateful for the partnership with Dr. Hobson and Community Allies to help students explore societal issues in personal everyday ways,” said ESLC Executive Director Jesse Dixon. “The SIUE East St. Louis Center Upward Bound programs are always looking for new ways to engage students in innovative and hands-on learning experiences.”
With a focus on empowering people and strengthening communities, the SIUE East St. Louis Center is dedicated to improving the lives of families and individuals - from pre-school through adult - in the Metro East. Head Start/Early Head Start and a charter high school are among the programs that offer the community renewed hope and an opportunity to reach educational, career and life goals. The Center also assigns first priority to encouraging, supporting and improving the educational success of the residents of East St. Louis and surrounding urban communities. The Center provides comprehensive programs, services and training in the areas of education, health, social services and the arts.
SIUE East St. Louis Center Math and Science CM students perform ethnodramas on bullying: (in back) Montez Barber, Christian Williams and Kodi Courtland with “teacher” Khianna Wilkinson and Kennedy Bennett (seated).