More than 40 members of the St. Louis Regional Chamber Board of Directors gathered at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Morris University Center on Thursday, Sept. 19. The board enjoyed a light breakfast before engaging in its regular September agenda.
“We are grateful to Chamber President Joe Reagan and his staff for bringing the board to our campus,” said SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe. “It’s important to remind everyone just how closely situated SIUE is to downtown St. Louis and the role we play in the metro region’s economic engine.”
SIUE has an annual regional economic impact of nearly $500 million and generates approximately 8,800 jobs. Each year, SIUE employees and students spend nearly $230 million in the region. More than half of SIUE’s 95,000-plus alumni live in the metro area.
Photo: Joe Reagan, president and CEO of the St. Louis Regional Chamber, speaks with SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe at the board of directors meeting in SIUE’s Morris University Center on Thursday, Sept. 19.