The SIUE American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter participated in the 2019 Saint Louis Science Center SciFest Engineering Expo on Saturday, Feb. 23. Chapter members demonstrated a small shake table model with instrumentation and described to visitors fundamental structural engineering concepts that engineers need to consider when designing buildings and bridges.
Visitors, especially children, were invited to build structural models which were then mounted to the shake table to see how well the models survived the simulated earthquake event. Many Expo visitors stopped to visit with the ASCE students for this fun, interactive engagement.
The students shared their knowledge and enthusiasm for civil engineering with the attendees and shared their motivation to becoming professional engineers through SIUE. The chapter has participated in previous events for several years.
The SciFest Engineering Expo event is held annually during National Engineers Week, which was established in 1951 by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE), which “is dedicated to ensuring a diverse and well-educated future engineering workforce by increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers.”
Photo: ASCE Student Chapter President Ryan Gueldener installs a model to be tested at the shake table demonstration at the 2019 Saint Louis Science Center SciFest Engineering Expo.