Eight Southern Illinois University Edwardsville police officers ran through part of Edwardsville and the campus, but not as part of their patrols. The group ended its three-mile run Monday, June 3 at the University’s Cougar statue on campus as part of the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run® to benefit Special Olympics Illinois.
The annual intrastate relay’s purpose is to raise money and gain awareness for athletes who participate in Special Olympics Illinois.
“Participating allows us to be involved in the community,” said Lt. Adam Severit, “and to bring awareness to the athletes, their families and a valuable organization.”
According to SIUE Police Chief Kevin Schmoll, the department has participated in the run for more than 20 years.
“Last year, approximately $4.7 million was raised statewide,” said Severit. “The SIUE Police Department raises $2,000-$3,000 annually through trivia events and t-shirt sales.”
The following police officers started their run June 3 at TheBANK of Edwardsville, 330 W Vandalia St.
- Lt. Adam Severit
- Sgt. John Wayne
- Detective Phillip Ragsdale
- Detective Trisha Bland
- Patrol Officer Xac Vo
- Patrol Officer Kasey Hoyd
- Patrol Officer Jeff Wooldridge
- Patrol Officer Anthony Hettinger
Records Manager Kathleen Pont and Lt. Lisa Johnson organized this year’s run.
The Torch Run will conclude Friday, June 7 in Bloomington, where police officers from across the state are expected to mark the beginning of the Illinois Special Olympic Summer Games that run through Sunday, June 9.
Breezing along in the Law Enforcement Torch Run are (L-R): Patrol Officer Xac Vo, Detective Phillip Ragsdale, Detective Trisha Bland, Lt. Adam Severit, Sgt. John Wayne, Patrol Officer Kasey Hoyd, Patrol Officer Anthony Hettinger and Patrol Officer Jeff Wooldridge.
Completing the Torch Run are SIUE Police Officers (L-R): Hettinger, Severit, Xac Vo, Wayne, Wooldridge, Ragsdale, Bland and Hoyd.