Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy (SOP) year three students marked their transition toward becoming pharmacists at the School’s symbolic Pinning Ceremony held Thursday, April 18 in the Morris University Center.
Pins were presented to 82 students signifying their transition to Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences.
“This next phase of your education is where both hard work and a good attitude will pay great dividends,” said SOP Dean Mark Luer, PharmD. “While your day-to-day activities will change dramatically from the past, the expectation is for you to learn and integrate new information into the knowledge base that you have worked incredibly hard to achieve. I encourage you to work as a partner with your preceptor. Accept criticism with an eye for improvement. Embrace everything. Do good things and provide a level of care that you would want to receive.”
Class of 2020 Faculty Advisor Terri Poirier, PharmD, MPH, encouraged the students to strive for competence, creativity, collaboration and care by offering 10 pieces of advice.
“Strive to learn as much as possible,” Poirier said. “Listen to what others are saying and recommending to you. Seek a higher level of excellence. With regard to creativity, try something outside your comfort zone. Always leave everyone with a smile and a positive attitude. See the world not only through your profession, but also through the eyes of your patients and other professionals. Treasure the journey. It is not about the destination.”
“Treat everyone with kindness and compassion,” she added. “Do not judge others. Find ways to get involved in your community. And, take time to balance your work with family and times of relaxation. Let this next component of your education kindle the flame for competence, creativity, collaboration and caring.”
CVS Health sponsored the annual Pinning Ceremony. CVS Health District Manager Anthony Sindel addressed the students. Sindel manages 22 pharmacies located inside Target stores in St. Louis, mid-Missouri and southern Illinois.
The ceremony concluded with the students reciting the Oath of a Pharmacist, in which they promise to devote themselves to a lifetime of service through the profession of pharmacy.
Photo: SIUE School of Pharmacy third year students marked their transition toward becoming pharmacists during a Pinning Ceremony held April 18.