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SIUE Upward Bound Programs Close Out a Successful Summer

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End of YearThere were applauds, shouts and cries of exaltations for jobs well done – and expectation of what is to come. Students in the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center Upward Bound Math and Science (UBMS) Cahokia-Madison and Upward Bound Scholar’s Academy (UBSA) were awarded with medals, ribbons and trophies acknowledging their commitment to and participation in the programs during a ceremony held Thursday, July 25 in Bluff Hall. 

“We wanted to celebrate students’ entire college-going experience from academic recognitions, character awards and highest attendance,” said Desiree Tyus, program director of UBMS (CM). “At this annual culminating program, families are invited to see their child showcase what they have learned, such as biology, chemistry, earth science, Spanish and more.” 

“Participants learned the importance of public speaking, introducing themselves, reiterating questions, and clearly enunciating their point,” added Tyus. 

Students also enjoyed such experiences as meeting with Darryl Cherry, Student Opportunities for Academic Results (SOAR) retention coordinator, and taking a behind-the-scenes science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-related tour of the St. Louis Zoo.   

During the awards and culmination program, staff were also offered praise for their hard work during the summer. 

“Our staff was treated to a surprise student-created video that commemorated their gratitude,” noted Tyus. “We had a fun and fruitful time this summer and we expect our students to do well this fall.”   

The SIUE Upward Bound Math & Science (CM) program helps youth prepare for higher education and serves students from both Cahokia and Madison High Schools. Participants receive instruction in literature, advanced mathematics and science during the school day, homework assistance and hands-on STEM workshops twice a week after school, and cultural, career and college preparation on Saturdays. During the summer students participate in a six-week residential program that allows participants to reside on Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s campus and undergo college preparedness. Services provided prepare students for successful high school completion and entrance into post-secondary programs. The program is designed to serve low-income and/or potential first-generation college students who are currently in grades 9-12. 

Upward Bound Scholars Academy (UBSA) is a TRIO program federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education. UBSA serves high school students from low-income families, and high school students from families in which neither parent holds a bachelor’s degree. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which participants complete secondary education and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education. 

Upward Bound Math and Science and Scholars Academy students celebrate the culmination of their summer college-preparatory program.

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