A Season for the Child (SfC), the family-oriented live theater season presented by the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Friends of Theater and Dance (FOTAD), continues its 24th season with a holiday treat in two separate showings at 2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 30.
The Velveteen Rabbit will take the stage in Katherine Dunham Hall by the Imaginary Theatre Company (ITC). The tale unfolds about a little boy and his stuffed rabbit, as imagined by Margery, a mother and a writer. Margery’s magical story reveals how the Velveteen Rabbit himself learns an important lesson about love.
Each year, FOTAD presents nearly $5,000 in merit scholarships to talented, current SIUE theater and dance majors. The organization also funds scholarships for qualified new freshmen entering the theater and dance program. The support organization holds an endowment to help fund the merit scholarship program. Those interested in donating to the endowment may contact Greg Conroy, 618-692-0874.
Individual tickets for the Nov. 30 performance of The Velveteen Rabbit, and subsequent shows for the 2013-14 SfC, are $5 per person and are available through the SIUE Fine Arts box office at 618-650-2774. For the entire season online, visit http://www.siue.edu/~gconroy/FOTAD.
SfC, which premiered in 1990, features adaptations of various children’s stories, using interactive techniques that not only delight children and parents, but also provide a learning experience.
The ITC returns to the FOTAD stage Saturday, Jan. 25, 2014, with The Lion, the Witch & the Wardrobe, a presentation aimed at slightly older children; however, all are welcome. The final show of the season will be a performance of Cinderella or the Story of Bigfoot on Saturday, March 22, presented by Curtains Up Theatre Co., of Collinsville and Edwardsville.