The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering (SOE) hosted more than 150 attendees at its second annual SIUE Energy Symposium Wednesday, Nov. 20 in the Dunham Hall Theater. The day focused on energy topics, and awareness of alternative and clean energy sources.
“The turnout was more than we anticipated, so our focus on creating an annual fall event where people talk about energy and sustainability topics is catching on in the Greater St. Louis area,” said Serdar Celik, PhD, professor and graduate program director in the SOE Department of Mechanical Engineering. “We’re looking forward to expanding the symposium next year.
“We are receiving feedback that it is a great idea to bring students, faculty and energy professionals together.”
The afternoon began with a poster session featuring presentations on alternative energy resources, followed by comments from SIUE Chancellor Randy Pembrook, PhD, and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Denise Cobb, PhD.
The hydropower vs. wind energy debate was the featured afternoon event, won by the hydropower team of Derek Robson, a senior from Girard, Chris Oliva, a senior from Edwardsville, and senior Julie Bruns. The Wind Energy Team was comprised of senior Alan Ledbetter, Matt Augustin, a senior from Highland, and Daniel Radonic, a senior from Troy. Representatives from higher education, alternative energy, corporate leadership, public utilities, energy consultants and environmental agencies served as judges.
Matt Sandberg, a senior mechanical engineering student from Springfield, appreciated the event. “It was a great opportunity for students to interact with professors in the department, as well as industry professionals,” he said. “Hopefully the event’s success sheds light onto the possibilities of research and opens the door for future engineering symposiums on campus.”
A networking hour closed the day. For more information, contact Celik at