More programming, resources and opportunities will soon be available to students in
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Upward Bound (UB) programs thanks to money provided by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT). IDOT presented a $5,000 check to SIUE East St. Louis Center (ESLC) administrators, staff and students on Monday, Jan. 27.
The $5,000 contribution was made possible by IDOT winning the grand prize last year in America’s Transportation Awards, the top honor for state departments of transportation. The award was for a partnership between Illinois and Missouri that produced several bridge projects over the past decade to improve connections to jobs and tourist destinations in the Metro East. It marked the second consecutive year IDOT has won the honor from the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials.
“Winning the project of the year from our peers for two straight years comes with great satisfaction in knowing that the team at IDOT can be counted on to get the job done right,” said acting Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman, who was one of several IDOT officials presenting the award. “This contribution to Upward Bound continues our mission. We are extremely proud of our ongoing relationship with such an important program and could not be happier to help young people pursue their dreams and, hopefully, become future IDOT engineers.”
“We tell our students that the sky is the limit when it comes to realizing careers as engineers or any profession they want to pursue,” said ESLC Executive Director Tim Staples, EdD. “This award money is a tangible sign of that.”
“This money will be put to good use. Our program is growing, and we want to be able to provide everything our students need for success,” said UB Program Director Keith Ware, EdD. “IDOT has proven to be a great collaborative partner with our program for more than 15 years.”
SIUE’s Upward Bound program provides educational opportunities for middle and high school students in East St. Louis, Cahokia, SIUE East St. Louis Charter High School, Brooklyn, Madison and Collinsville, with a focus on encouraging low-income, first-generation college students to seek post-secondary education. Upward Bound and IDOT have long collaborated to teach about engineering careers.
The SIUE East St. Louis Center Upward Bound programs help youth prepare for higher education and serves students from East St. Louis and Cahokia (EC), and Brooklyn, East St. Louis Charter and Madison (BEM), High Schools. Participants receive instruction in literature, composition and STEM subjects on college campuses after school, on Saturdays and during the summer. The quality services provided will prepare the students for successful high school completion and entrance into post-secondary programs. Upward Bound is a college-preparatory program designed to serve low-income and/or potential first-generation college students who are currently in grades 9-12.
A delegation from the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) visited the SIUE East St. Louis Center to present SIUE Upward Bound program staff and students with a check for $5,000. Shown on the front row (far right) is Acting Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman and on the far left (holding the IDOT award) is Keith Ware, EdD, UB program director. Shown back center is ESLC Executive Director Tim Staples, EdD.
Staples (left) and Ware (right) acknowledge IDOT’s gift of $5,000. SIUE Upward Bound students holding check are Cyan Luckett (left) and Kyla Anderson. Emoni Hallman, on the far right, holds grand prize award. Students in the back row (L-R): Norie Smith, Evan Bonner, Jayla Sussix and Lyniya Pruitt.