Southern Illinois University Edwardsville is seeking proposals for the FY2015 Excellence in Undergraduate Education (EUE) program. The deadline for proposals from faculty and staff members, and students is Feb. 3, 2014.
“The purpose of the EUE program is to fund innovative projects that will have broad and sustaining impact in undergraduate education,” said Wayne Nelson, EUE program coordinator.
This year’s round of awards will particularly focus on:
• Research for programs that help promote the understanding of retention issues or the development of programs that support retention, persistence and completion
• Programs that develop and share innovative pedagogies, and are applicable in a wide-range of disciplines
• Programs that develop experiential learning strategies and activities—excluding field trips—for courses, disciplines and broad areas of study
• Study abroad opportunities that provide SIUE students important learning experiences and also yield long-term relationships, allowing SIUE’s recruitment of international students
Those contemplating a faculty led international study program and planning to submit an EUE proposal are encouraged to contact Dr. Ron Schaefer, distinguished research professor and director of the SIUE Center for International Programs. He can be reached at 618-650-3728, or
“If you have never led an international study program, but would like to discuss some possibilities, you are especially welcome to contact me,” Schaefer said.
The EUE program at SIUE was established in 1986 as a way to provide funding for innovative projects in undergraduate education. The current funding level is about $150,000 per year, and the opportunities are made possible by the Faculty Development Council of the Faculty Senate, the Office of the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
According to the program’s website, the program “continues to serve as a catalyst for the continued improvement of undergraduate curricula and programs at SIUE.” Some past project titles have included “Anatomy and Neurology of the Brain,” “Nursing Student Success with Test-Taking Skills,” “A Digital Learning Companion for Human Biology Labs,” “Developing Content for the iPad,” “Creating a Hybrid Information Literacy Competency for Undergraduate Students” and “Development of a Blended Course in Human Biology.”
Proposals must include a project that clearly relates to the education of undergraduate students. Other guidelines are listed on the EUE website. Program description and proposal preparation assistance also is available on the EUE website.
General information sessions for those interested in preparing EUE proposals are being held at noon, Wednesday, Dec. 4 and at 2 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 5. Both sessions will take place in the Morris University Center Willow Room. For more information, contact Nelson at 618-650-2729, or