The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy (SOP) will engage 5th-8th grade students in discussions about prescription drug abuse, vaping and the associated dangers during “Locked in to Stay Out,” a free overnight education event from 8 p.m. Saturday, April 4 until 7:30 a.m. Sunday, April 5 in SIUE’s First Community Arena at the Vadalabene Center. Registration forms are available through Monday, March 2 at
“Research shows that 5th-8th grade students who participate in programs focused on prescription drug misuse are less likely to abuse prescription medications as adults,” said Jessica Kerr, PharmD, associate dean and professor in the SOP Department of Pharmacy Practice. “We presented this novel overnight event previously and received incredible feedback that proved the positive impact this active learning opportunity had on participants.”
The event is hosted by SOP student organizations. The Generation Rx patient care project aims to provide education to people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications.
The SIUE APhA-ASP chapter has involved other student chapters and individual students in the SOP, public health and social work to create interactive sessions and games that will provide active learning opportunities on the health, social and legal consequences surrounding misuse and abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Students will engage in activities such as a rock wall, volleyball, wallyball, basketball, indoor soccer and movies.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded a longitudinal analysis of three trials evaluating the implementation of a universal preventative intervention on prescription misuse in middle school students (grades 6 or 7) from small towns and rural communities. All three studies demonstrated that students are less likely to abuse prescription medication as a young adult (17-25 years old) if they attended a community-based prevention program. The interventions in the studies addressed general risks and protective factors for substance abuse, much like the “Locked in to Stay Out” event.
For more information, visit the “Locked in to Stay Out” Facebook page at, email or contact Jessica Kerr at 618-741-0630.
Photo: SIUE’s Jessica Kerr, PharmD, associate dean and professor in the School of Pharmacy Department of Pharmacy Practice.