The computer science field is rapidly growing, presenting boundless career opportunities. But, males greatly outnumber females in the industry. The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Engineering Department of Computer Science (CS) wants to ensure females are a part of the field’s surging growth and success.
The Department will host SheCode from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday, March 7 in the Engineering Building. The free event sparks interest and inspires more females to pursue computer science through an interactive programming project and mentorship from an SIUE CS alumna and professional in the technology field.
Registration is available at
“At SheCode, we aim to boost young women’s interest in the field before they pick a college major,” said Dennis Bouvier, PhD, professor in the CS department. “By providing strong female mentorship and experience in beginning computer programming, we hope SheCode will give young women the motivation to consider pursuing a future degree and career in computer science.”
“It’s incredibly important for young girls to have female role models and mentors in the technology field, to show them the endless possibilities a career in this field can provide,” said Darla Ahlert, MS ’15. “I enjoy making the connection between everyday interactions they have with technology and the fact they can one day be the leaders who create future technologies.”
For more information, including a complete agenda, visit
Photo: SIUE computer science alumna Darla Ahlert works with high school participants at SheCode 2018.