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SIUE East St. Louis Learning Resource Center Hosts Job Recruitment Fair

MickelMickel Perkins, of East St. Louis, walked into the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville East St. Louis Center’s Learning Resource Center (LRC) on Tuesday, Feb. 26 armed with her resume, portfolio and high hopes of getting a job. She received a job offer on the spot, pending a drug screening. 

“Wow. I am so excited. I got a job!” exclaimed Perkins, who received an offer of a customer service position with Customized Distribution Services (CDS), Inc., of Edwardsville. 

Perkins was one of several people who attended the Job Recruitment Fair with CDS. SIUE Veterans Upward Bound and Southwestern Illinois College were also at the job fair, offering information on programs and classes.

 Customized Distribution Services (CDS), Inc., of Edwardsville. Also at the job fair and offering information on programs and classes were SIUE Veterans Upward Bound and Southwestern Illinois College. 

“We are looking to increase our workforce. Currently, we are about 5% under staffed,” said Gary Harper, CDS general manager. “We will extend offers to people today. Their employment will be finalized pending reports from the necessary paperwork.” 

Also receiving an on-the-spot employment offer was Mickel’s brother, Jansen Perkins. He was offered a warehouse position, pending a drug screening. 

staff“We are a third-party logistics provider,” said Harper. “We have a 900,000 square-foot warehouse, with 179 warehouse employees, 18 salaried staff and 14 customer service people. 

“We distribute for Henkel, a global company that makes Dial soap. Henkel hires my company to handle their domestic distributions. The company ships us the product. We inventory it, maintain it and then ship it to the desired location. For example, Walmart is one of our primary customers. Every day, we receive 70 truckloads of product and ship out 60 truckloads.” 

“I learned of the job fair a couple of weeks ago, when I came to the LRC for resume assistance,” said Perkins. “I spoke to the LRC Librarian Rebecca Harper and asked for help. She told me about this opportunity. 

“I have been unemployed for a little while and was nervous about my timeline. I have experience working in offices as an administrative assistant and in a warehouse for Millipore Sigma Chemical Co. I am so glad I came. I really needed a job.” 

“We were happy to come,” said Harper. “We realize that this was an opportunity for us and the community. It was a win-win situation.” 

CDS offers open interviews on site from 8 a.m.-noon every Tuesday at 1 Gateway Commerce Center Dr. in Edwardsville. For more information, call 618-931-8796 ext. 3509. 

The SIUE East St. Louis Learning Resource Center (LRC) is organized as a full-service public library focusing on youth and adult community outreach, programs, and collections. The library also contributes to the success of higher education opportunities and career development provided by the East St. Louis Higher Education Campus (ESLHEC). The LRC supports the diverse range of students and public patrons on the ESLHEC, and encourages them to succeed and learn new skills provided by the LRC community collection and programs.  

Mickel Perkins, of East St. Louis, listens to instructions on filling out an employment application for Customized Distribution Services (CDS), of Edwardsville. 

(L-R) Attending the Job Recruitment Fair at the SIUE East Louis Learning Resource Center: CDS staff Solomon Hines Jr., CDS General Manager Gary Harper and CDS staff Chris Couture.

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