The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Marketing and Communications Department received four awards in the 2019 Collegiate Advertising Awards (CAA) competition.
The CAA program is an elite national program created to honor today’s most talented marketing professionals for outstanding excellence in all forms of advertising, marketing and promotion specific to higher education products and services. The Collegiate Advertising Awards allow for marketing and advertising efforts to compete against similarly sized colleges, universities and other educational organizations nationwide.
Entries are judged on creativity, layout/design, typography, production, quality and overall effectiveness. SIUE earned a gold award for the SIUE International Viewbook in the recruitment category.
SIUE also earned two silver awards for the Arts & Issues Brochure in the brochure-folded/panels category and SIUE Winter Sports Marketing in the sports specific category.
SIUE received a bronze award for its Research & Creative Activities publication in the brochure-multiple pages category.
The 2019 CAA program received entries from the United States and Canada representing small community colleges to large schools and universities. Submissions were reviewed by a national panel of industry experts, with a possibility of 100 total points. Awards were issued for entries that received top marks from judges, placing them in the top 16% of the nation for advertising excellence. Judging criteria included creativity, layout and design, functionality, message effectiveness, production quality and overall appeal.
SIUE competes in the school group of 10,001-20,000 students. View the entire list of winners at