“We’re all in this together.” The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Nursing’s (SON) Student Nurses Association (SNA) is proving that to be true, as they host a flash store to help raise funds for their fellow students undergoing hardship due to COVID-19 through the SIUE Student Emergency Assistance Fund.
The saying is featured on four shirt options available in multiple colors on their two-week flash store site. Also for sale is a pack of five face masks. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to the SIUE Student Emergency Assistance Fund, which helps students needing financial assistance for a variety of reasons during the COVID-19 pandemic.
To shop, visit siue/give and click on the “#SIUETogether Apparel” tab at the top of the page. Purchases can be made through Thursday, May 7.
“SNA knows that numerous students are struggling financially as many have lost their jobs or have parents out of work,” said SNA President Sydney Kesner, a senior nursing major from Highland. “A major aspect of SNA is service to the University. We raise money annually for SIUE nursing scholarships. We hope that this fundraiser can assist some of our fellow students in need during the current crisis.”
The idea for the flash store was first presented by Scott Jackson with Casual Tees in Edwardsville to SNA Faculty Advisor Jean LaFolette, RN. SNA leaders quickly decided to support the SIUE Student Emergency Assistance Fund to assist their fellow students in need.
“For several years, I have had the privilege of a business relationship with SIUE. I live and work in Edwardsville, so I know how valuable the students are to the community. It seemed natural to support them,” said Jackson. “This is a small way for me to give back to those who have supported me for these years.”
“SNA is a large organization, with over 400 members, so we thought we could get a good sale going and raise money for students in need through this fund,” LaFolette, an instructor in the SON’s Department of Family Health and Community Health Nursing.
SON leaders expressed their appreciation for and pride in the SNA members’ kindhearted efforts.
“The pandemic has created unprecedented challenges that are directly impacting the lives, education and future careers of our nursing students,” said SON Dean Laura Bernaix, PhD, RN. “Having SNA step forward with the creation of the “We are all in this together – SIUE” project demonstrates how compassionate our students are toward their peers. They are innovative leaders whose dedication and commitment toward ensuring a strong nursing workforce is exemplified by this wonderful deed.”
“This effort underscores the remarkable leadership, altruistic values and dedication of our nursing students, and their ingenuity, too,” added SON Senior Director of Development Patti McDonald. “We are incredibly proud of SNA’s encouraging and engaging response to the challenges facing the SIUE community during this crisis.”
The SIUE Student Emergency Assistance Fund is made possible through a partnership between the Office of Student Affairs and the SIUE Foundation. Financial issues students are confronting due to the loss of wages or otherwise include overdue rent or utility bills, challenges with wireless hotspot or internet service to complete coursework for the term, groceries, and travel related to the illness or death of an immediate family member.
“Supporting the Student Emergency Assistance Fund is important because the number of students who can be served is subject to the availability of funds,” explained SIUE Foundation Director of Annual Giving Julie Babington. “The fund is sustained by contributions from alumni, parents, faculty, students, staff and friends of SIUE. The fund is currently at just over $20,000 and our campaign goal is to reach $40,000.”
“The SNA’s effort is especially timely as the SIUE Foundation is currently joining the global generosity movement #SIUEGivingTuesdayNow running through Tuesday, May 5,” Babington added.
Decisions on funding recipients are made by Student Affairs staff in coordination with the Student Financial Aid Office. Details on the process for students to apply for assistance are available at siue.edu/student-affairs/student-conduct/student-emergency-assistance.
Photo: The SIUE School of Nursing Student Nurses Association flash store includes both short- and long-sleeve shirts in a variety of colors and a pack of five masks.