The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville campus will award degrees to 924 graduates when 2013 fall commencement exercises occur at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. Commencement will take place in the Vadalabene Center on SIUE campus.
The 9 a.m. ceremony will celebrate the matriculation of undergraduate and graduate students from the Schools of Business, Education and Nursing. Candi LeDuc who is earning a master’s in nursing, will be the student speaker during the ceremony.
Kay Gaehle, associate professor for primary care and health systems in the School of Nursing, is the morning speaker. She received the 2013 Teaching Excellence Award, the most prestigious teaching award available to SIUE faculty members.
The afternoon ceremony will include undergraduate and graduate candidates from the SIUE College of Arts and Sciences, as well as the School of Engineering. Elizabeth H. Littmann, who is earning a bachelor’s in computer science in the School of Engineering, will be the student speaker.
Jeff Skoblow, associate professor of English language and literature in the College of Arts and Sciences, will speak at the afternoon ceremony as the recipient of the 2013 Great Teacher Award. Skoblow was honored with the designation by the SIUE Alumni Association and was nominated by his students.
With questions about ceremonies, contact the SIUE commencement staff, or call (618) 650-2252.
Photo: SIUE Chancellor Julie Furst-Bowe.