After a horrifying ordeal for “Monty, The Turtle,” his creator has begun the loving and painstaking job of restoring him, where he resides at the East St. Louis Higher Education Campus.
Edna Patterson-Petty, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 2009 Alumni Hall of Famer and celebrated artist, began repairing the turtle sculpture on Monday, June 15, after it had been vandalized on Wednesday, Jan. 8.
“I don’t know how long it will take to restore,” said Patterson-Petty. “It will take a while. I am working as weather permits. It really hurt my heart, when I first heard about the incident. It took me a while to come to campus to see it.”
SIUE is paying to have the artwork restored.
“I was so thankful and happy when I learned that SIUE would be financing the restoration project,” she added.
Patterson-Petty created “Monty” in 2008 after receiving a grant from the Art and Architecture Programs Capital Development Board. The turtle’s core is made of steel. Over the steel is polyurethane foam, which is covered with concrete. The final layer is made out of glass beads, according to Patterson-Petty.
“It took me about four months to make the sculpture,” said the artist. “I wanted to make something that would appeal to the SIUE Head Start/Early Head Start children. I decided on a turtle because I like them, and for me, turtles mean longevity. Some turtles can live more than 100 years. With the repairs I’m making, I hope Monty will last even longer than that.”
Edna Patterson-Petty, SIUE 2009 Alumni Hall of Famer and celebrated artist, works to repair the head of her sculpture – “Monty, The Turtle.”