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Champion for the Autistic will Speak Feb. 27 at SIUE


Temple Grandin

Dr. Temple Grandin, inspiration, advocate and hero for the autistic, will give her presentation: “Different Kinds of Minds” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27. Grandin will appear in the Morris University Center Meridian Ballroom as part of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s Arts & Issues 2013-2014 season.

Grandin has gained worldwide recognition for her autism advocacy, research and publications. Having been diagnosed as autistic at age three, Grandin has overcome great challenges and is known as “the most accomplished and well-known adult with autism in the world.”

For tickets and information, visit the SIUE Dunham Hall Arts & Issues Box Office, the SIUE Morris University Center Information Booth, artsandissues.com or call (618) 650-5774.

In “Different Kinds of Minds,” she will discuss the unique ways the autistic mind works and how this distinct type of thinking is essential and beneficial to society.

“Autism is a very big continuum and goes from very severe, with the child being nonverbal, all the way to brilliant scientists and engineers,” said Grandin in a presentation on TED.com. “It’s a continuum of traits. When does a nerd turn into Asperger Syndrome, which is mild autism. (Albert) Einstein and (Wolfgang Amadeus) Mozart would probably be diagnosed in autistic spectrum today.

“I want to talk about different ways of thinking. Get away from the verbal language. I think in pictures. I don’t think in language. The thing about the autistic mind is that it tends to details. The normal brain ignores the details. If you’re building a bridge, details are pretty important.

“One of my big concerns with a lot of policy things today is that things are getting too abstract. I’m concerned that schools are taking out the hands-on classes”

Grandin is the author of several books including the following three: Thinking in Pictures, The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum and The Way I See it: A Personal Look at Autism & Asperger’s. Learn more about Grandin at her official website.

Grandin’s appearance is sponsored by the Madison County Regional Office of Education. Arts & Issues is also partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency through federal funds provided by the National Endowment for the Arts.

The Arts & Issues series brings artistic excellence to the SIUE campus through an eclectic blend of speakers and performers. For more than 29 years, SIUE’s Arts & Issues series has showcased some of the world’s finest artists. Each season, thought-provoking speakers inspire people of all ages and backgrounds. Thanks to the underwriting of SIUE, corporations, foundations and individual donors, tickets are often discounted as much as 75 percent.

Arts & Issues is tied to the academic mission of the University and offers unique opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and the community, to engage with performers and speakers through master classes and special sessions.

Photo Information:Dr. Temple Grandin


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