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SIUE STEM Center Video Gains Exposure at NSTA Conference


Sharon Locke STEM Director Graduate School Research 12_1_11 BillThe Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Center for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Research, Education and Outreach was recently invited to present a documentary video highlighting their work at the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) annual conference in Boston April 3-6. See the video.

The five-minute video features interviews with SIUE administration, faculty, staff and students involved in the interdisciplinary projects of the STEM Center. Highlights include STEM Center research on teaching and learning, the STEM Resource Center and community outreach activities.

“More than 11,500 educators saw the video at the conference venue and via television in conference hotel rooms,” said STEM Center Director Sharon Locke. “WebsEdge Education produced the video with us, partnering with NSTA to showcase our innovative STEM education programs. We thought it to be highly effective in delivering our message and story on a national stage.”

Locke provided an overview of the Center’s broad base of activities. She also highlighted the many people served both on campus and in the community by the Center’s staff and resources.

Jerry Weinberg, associate provost for research and dean of the Graduate School, discussed the importance of the STEM Center to the University, region and national STEM education community through its focus on improving the quality of STEM education and developing STEM interest in children.

The STEM Resource Center lending library was featured in a segment with Colin Wilson, resource center manager. The lending library houses curricula and equipment that educators can borrow free of charge to support innovative classroom or out-of-school instruction. The materials in the library, including a number of expensive scientific probes, were acquired with generous funding from a number of sponsors, including USTRANSCOM at Scott Air Force Base.

Research Professor Mary Stephen discussed STEM Center research currently being conducted regarding the impact of innovative and technology intensive classrooms on teachers and students.

The segment on the Noyce Scholarship Program, a National Science Foundation funded program for pre-service science teachers, featured Amanda Hyett. She is a senior and Noyce Scholar majoring in chemistry education.

The Noyce program is a collaborative project among the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of Education and the STEM Center. Students receive special training and mentoring in preparation to becoming effective science teachers.

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