A select group of area high school students heard lessons about CPR, the human anatomy and dentistry at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville’s 2014 Healthcare Diversity Summer Camp.
Students have participated all week in the residential summer camp that exposed them to potential careers in the area of nursing, dental medicine and pharmacy. Participating in the weeklong sessions are the SIUE School of Nursing, SIU School of Dental Medicine and the SIUE School of Pharmacy.
Sixteen junior and high school students were chosen based on criteria that included a minimum 3.0 accumulative grade point average. The purpose of the camp is to expose minority students to careers in healthcare.
On Tuesday, students spent the day at the SIUE School of Nursing and on Wednesday, they vis
ited the SIU School of Dental Medicine in Alton. Today, students are at the SIUE School of Pharmacy.
SIUE School of Nursing: The SIUE School of Nursing’s fully accredited programs are committed to creating excellence in nursing leadership through innovative teaching, evidence-based practice, quality research, patient advocacy and community service. Enrolling nearly 1,000 students in its baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs, the School develops leaders in pursuit of shaping the nursing profession and impacting the health care environment. Through expanded programs located on the SIU Carbondale campus and SIU School of Medicine campus, the SIUE School of Nursing is helping to solve the region’s shortage of baccalaureate-prepared nurses and enhance the quality of nursing practice within hospitals and medical centers.
SIU School of Dental Medicine: School of Dental Medicine students manage approximately 35,000 patient visits each year at its patient clinics in Alton and East St. Louis. In addition, students offer oral health treatment, screenings and education to more than 10,000 people annually through a wide variety of off-campus community outreach events. These opportunities provide students the training they need to graduate an
d become highly skilled dentists. As the only dental school within 200 miles of the St. Louis metropolitan area, the region depends on the School of Dental Medicine as a vital oral healthcare provider.
Allyssa Dollison tries her hands at CPR during the nursing segment on Tuesday.
Students listen to nursing instructor. Pictured from left to right are Jordan Harden, Philip Siganga, Kennedy Reed and Jean LaFollette, instructor in Family Health/Community Health Nursing.
Jarae Hess exams a skull in class at the SIU School of Dental Medicine.
Dr. Kevin Rowland, associate professor in the SIU School of Dental Medicine, explains some aspects of the human anatomy to students. Students pictured from left to right at the light table: Brianna Richards, Haeli Valdez and Noah Dintelman. Standing beside Rowland is dental student Blake Ferando.