The Illinois Board of Higher Education approved a new undergraduate degree in nutrition at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville beginning Fall 2015.
The bachelor of science in nutrition, offered by the SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior, will focus on the study of foods and nutrients and their effect on the health of individuals, according to Dr. Erik Kirk, associate professor of exercise science and chair of the Department of Kinesiology and Health Education.
Instruction will include areas related to:
- Human nutrition
- Nutrient metabolism
- The role of foods and nutrition in health promotion and disease prevention
- Diet and nutrition analysis and planning
- Food preparation
- Special diets
- Client education
The bachelor’s in nutrition can also serve as a pre-professional degree that will meet the requirements for pre-med, nursing, dental, optometry, pharmacy and other post-graduate programs in health care and dietetics.
“Combining theory with hands-on experience, the bachelor of science in nutrition will prepare students for a profession with great employment opportunities at an affordable price,” said Kirk.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of nutritionists is expected to increase 20 percent from 2010 to 2020, faster than average for all occupations nationally.
Typically, students graduating with a bachelor’s in nutrition can pursue a wide variety of careers in clinical, community and public health, consulting-private practice, food/nutrition business industry, food service management, research and education, sports and wellness nutrition.
Students can also pursue post-baccalaureate training in dietetics, which would enable those students to become registered dietitians.
“Students may find the bachelor’s in nutrition to be a great first or even second major that provides knowledge in nutrition and would make them even more marketable to employees,” Kirk said.
With the first classes beginning in Fall 2015, students may apply to the program by visiting For more information, contact the SIUE Office of Admissions at 618-650-3705 or 800-447-SIUE.
Photo: Dr. Erik Kirk, associate professor of exercise science and chair of SIUE’s Department of Kinesiology and Health Education.