The Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Solar Car Team placed 13th out of 20 total cars at the 2014 American Solar Challenge Formula Sun Grand Prix race during July in Austin, Texas.
The SIUE car, Black Nova, was judged on the number of laps and total time per lap. Overall, the team was awarded the Fastest Stop in the Dynamics Brake Test award. The award is based on braking time during the dynamic testing.
“We have made significant improvements from last year’s competition including upgrading the solar array and batteries,” said Dr. Andy Lozowski, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. “Our next tasks will be to upgrade the motor and the motor controller, and building the lower body for improved looks and aerodynamics.”
This year, universities from around the country came to compete, as well as teams from Canada, Puerto Rico and Iran. In comparison to the 20 other competing universities, SIUE had one of the fewest amount of total students enrolled in its institution.
The SIUE Solar Car Team’s goals are to design, build and race solar cars powered entirely by the sun’s energy. The team races competitively against other colleges from the U.S. and from around the world. The organized group enables students from all majors to learn about solar energy, apply hands on knowledge and create a unique project.
Photo: SIUE’s Amy Sunderlin, electrical and computer engineering, master’s candidate.