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University Housing Recognizes Residents on Dean’s List


Dean's List

Academic successes of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville students were highlighted at the University Housing Dean’s List Reception on Feb. 4 in Evergreen Hall.

The annual recognition event recognizes University Housing residents who made the fall semester Dean’s List. The criterion for making the Dean’s List is a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.


Approximately 150 Dean’s List recipients and their guests attended the reception. Campus administrators, faculty members, and housing staff members were on hand to support the academic achievements of these students.

Dr. Kevin Thomas, director of Retention and Student Success, also gave remarks during the reception.

According to Vicky Dean, assistant director of Residential Education, “This year we celebrated the Dean’s List recipients with a new format to the event. The reception was very festive and geared toward allowing students to showcase their pride in SIUE and their academic achievement.

“Many students attend this event multiple years in a row. It is an honor to celebrate residents who have made a commitment to their academics and excelling in the classroom.”

For more information about the Dean’s List or other academic initiatives in University Housing, please contact Dean at 650-5296 or vdean@siue.edu. Photos and video from the Dean’s List reception can be viewed at facebook.com/siuehousing.


Students celebrate making the Dean’s List from left to right: Hayleigh Miller and Abyssinia Asfaw.

Dr. Kevin Thomas


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