The Friends of Art, along with the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Department of Art & Design, invite the public to the 38th Annual Art Auction on March 19.
This year’s auction will be held in the Art West Gallery, located in the Art & Design West building on SIUE’s campus. Doors open at 6 p.m. for a preview, and Ahrens & Niemeier auctioneers will start the bidding at 7 p.m.
The 2015 auction will offer original artworks donated by faculty, visiting artists, alumni, friends and advanced students. Additional work will be available to the highest bidder in a silent auction. A cash bar will be available.
One of the paintings to be auctioned was created by Dr. John DenHouter, associate professor in SIUE’s Department of Arts & Design. DenHouter received his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Michigan and his Master of Fine Arts from Eastern Michigan University. He has received numerous awards for his work and has pieces in several private and university collections.
Admission is free to all students and those who have donated works for the auction, as well as members of the Friends of Art. Tickets for the general public are $5, purchased at the door.
Art enthusiasts are encouraged to attend and check out the artwork and the new Art & Design West building, which opened in 2013. Alumni and friends can also visit with current and retired Art & Design faculty and meet current students in the program.
Since l977, the Friends of Art organization has assisted the department in fundraising. Last year’s auction allowed the department to invite 15 local, national and international artists and lecturers to SIUE. It also afforded monies to purchase art books and videos for Lovejoy Library, funds for students to attend national conferences and awards for student exhibits.
Free parking will be provided in Lot B (SIUE’s Visitor’s Lot). Although parking
will not be available adjacent to the building, attendees may be dropped off at the doors behind the Art & Design West building.
For event information, visit Friends of Art. To view images of artwork to be auctioned, visit Facebook Friends of Arts SIUE.
For additional information, contact us at
Pictured are paintings to be auctioned, created by Dr. John DenHouter, associate professor the Department of Arts & Design