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SIUE Celebrates School of Education, Health and Human Behavior


Health and Human Behavior, School of Education dedication 09-26-14

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville celebrated the School of Education, Health and Human Behavior at a reception in the School’s atrium Friday, Sept. 26. Prior to July 1, the School had simply been known as the School of Education.

“The name change is not simply cosmetic,” said Curt Lox, interim dean of the School. “The new name more accurately reflects the breadth of our academic programs and the research fields in which our faculty are engaged.”

“Nearly 1,300 undergraduate students and more than 500 graduate students are currently being served by the School’s academic programs,” said Parviz Ansari, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “The school is home to a diverse array of programs and the name change will better reflect a School that houses curriculum and instruction, educational leadership, kinesiology and health education, psychology, special education and communication disorders, and the many programs that fall under these departments.”

Lox went on to discuss fundraising initiatives, one of which is the need for research travel funding for undergraduate students.

Health and Human Behavior, School of Education dedication 09-26-14“We are currently experiencing a dramatic increase in the number of students, especially at the undergraduate level, involved in all aspects of the research process,” Lox said. “However, funding to send these young scholars to disseminate the results of their research at local, regional and national conferences is severely lacking. These conferences are critical for young professionals as they provide tremendous learning and networking experiences that cannot be replicated elsewhere.”

To learn more about supporting the School, visit here.

Photo (upper right): Curt Lox, interim dean of the SIUE School of Education, Health and Human Behavior.

Photo (left):  Parviz Ansari, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs.

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